If you've landed on this page,
you're probably ready to:
Your Overall HEALTH,
and, get the

If that's the case . . .

You're in the right place!


❓ What would you pay to be Healthy?​

​                                              ❓ Would you pay $27.00 to Learn How to
                                                   Replace a Caffeine Addiction with a Healthy Energy Drink?

​                                             ❓ Would you pay $67.00 to Learn How to
                                                  Consume a High-Nutrient Rich Plant Based FUELstyle?

​                                            ❓ Would you Hire a MINDset, FUELstyle and LIFEstyle Coach to Help YOU
                                                 IMPROVE Your Health, BOOST Your Energy, ENHANCE Your Wellness,
                                                 MASTER Your MINDset, REFINE Your FUELstyle and UPGRADE Your LIFEstyle?

Hi!  I'm VeRAWonica

I'm a MINDset Shifter (I help People Shift their Thoughts to MASTER their MINDset),

I'm a FUELstyle Queen (I help People Refine their FUELstyle towards High-Nutrition),

I'm a LIFEstyle Coach (I help People to Live their Best Life)

I'm a RAW Plant Based Expert (I've been RAW for almost 2 Decades.  And because of that, I do not have any Health Issues, Aches, Pains, Chronic Diseases nor am I on any Medications).

I have helped Thousands of People Change their Health Game by making Strategic Changes to the way they Think, Eat and, Drink. 

My Mission and Purpose, is being an Example for You! 
To Show You What's Possible at ANY AGE because
it's NEVER too Late to Become and, Be the BEST Version
of Yourself.

CLICK Below, to read more about me and my Journey:

Turn the Impossible to POSSIBLE
Starting with MINDset.
Change Your MINDset, Change Your RESULTS!

All Courses, Programs and eBooks
are Designed to Help You:
IMPROVE  Your FUELstyle 

BUILD and STRENGTHEN Immune System through Super Healthy FUEL.

ENJOY WELLNESS as Your New Norm by adapting a New MINDset & FUELstyle.

BOOST ENERGY Instantly with RAWlicious Fast

IMPROVE VITALITY by Easily Switching to a mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle.

CREATE POSITIVE RESULTS by Gaining Power over your MINDset to get RESULTS.

INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY by having the ENERGY to Accomplish your GOALS.

FEEL RAWmazing by Designing Thoughts that Create

ACHEIVE BETTER SLEEP  through Effective Nightly Routines and Rituals.


EMBRACE PRO-AGING thru Powerful Nutrients that help with Cell Rejeuvenation.

RELEASE Emotional and Physical WEIGHT, Old Patterns and Habits.

UPGRADE Overall HEALTH by incorporating
ALL of the above.

Is it Time to?

  • FEEL RAWmazing DAILY!

Then maybe it'sTime to:


Don't know where to start?
We've got you covered!

Check out our New


Are you Ready to ReNEW?

  •  Are you ready  to ReNEW your VITALITY?
  • ​ Are you ready to ReNEW your HEALTH?
  • ​ Are you ready to ReNEW your APPEARANCE​?
  • ​ Are you ready to ReNEW your MOJO?
  • ​ Are you ready to ReNEW your ENERGY?
  • ​ Are you ready to ReNEW your SLEEP?
  • ​ Are you ready to ReNEW your Body?
  • ​​ Are you ready to ReNEW your MIND?

Experience & THRIVE on
RAW Plant Based FUEL for




of RAW Plant Based FUEL 

'ReNEW to a NEW YOU'

Start Your Journey
and Begin to 
ReNEW to a NEW YOU with this
Step-by-Step Instructions on
How to Nourish your Body with
RAW Plant Based FUEL
so you can Upgrade your Overall Health, MIND and Wellness.

Included in this
ONE DAY Course

are RAWcipes,
Grocery FUEL List and Chart, 
MINDset Mantras and, as a 
the popular eBook
'GREEN is the New Black'

Get Ready to: 


of RAW Plant Based FUEL 

and BEGIN to:  


MINDset, FUELstyle and Healthy LIFEstyle

to Stay in Touch with the Latest


RAWmazing Resources:

Instantly BOOST Your ENERGY with
REAL and RAW Plant Based FUEL.
Download the eBook:
'GREEN is the New Black' and
Start making RAWlicious, Delicious and Nutritious Energy Drinks.
Included are Fast and Simple RAWcipes,
MINDset Mantras, Ingredients List,
FUEL Chart and Instructional Video.

By Seeing, Reading and Consistently Repeating
MINDset Mantras, You begin to Train Your Brain. 
Your MINDset starts to SHIFT to more Purposeful, Powerful and Positive Thoughts to help You Attain your Goals Faster.
This NEW Way of SHIFTting your Thinking, Ultimately keeps you
on Track and Focused on Your END GAME.
Included are
60 MINDset Mantras and
BlankS so you can fill our your own Mantras.


This 5 DAY Course will Change Your GAME in 5 Days!  You will Learn how to Quickly shift your MINDset with Tools and Techniques.  You will Learn How to Switch to a High-Nutrient FUELstyle by understanding the Benefits for Optimal Health.  You will Learn How to Instantly BOOST Your ENERGY with GREEN Drinks.
eBook: 'GREEN is the New Black',
Workbook, Homework,
MINDset Mantras and Affirmations,
and Instructional Videos.



I created this 1 DAY Program Just For You! 

A Simple and Easy way to Get Back on the Healthy Food Track and a Quick Boost to Renew to a New You..
And that’s exactly what will happen.
It’s the beginning of a ReNew,
a Restart towards consuming Healthy, Nutritious and RAWlicicious Plant Based FUEL . . . a Reboot
It’s 1 day of Drinking Nourishing RAW, Plant Based Drinks and Eating Clean RAW,  Plant-Based Foods, that will Begin your Renewal to a New You!
RAWcipes, Grocery List, FUEL List, Instructions, Directions, Descriptions, Instructional Video.  

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7 DAY RAW is an extension of 1 DAY RAW.  

If you liked 1 DAY, you will LOVE 7 DAY RAW!

It’s 7 DAYS of Drinking Nourishing RAW, Plant Based Drinks and Eating Clean RAW, Plant-Based Foods, that Heal and DeTox you from the Inside Out. 

RAWcipes, Grocery List, FUEL List, Instructions, Directions, Descriptions, Instructional Video. .  

Get Coached

Private Coaching isn't just about short-term gains.
It's an investment in your long-term success.

The lessons and skills you acquire will serve you well throughout your life's journey.

Results You Can Expect:

  • MASTERY: Over your THOUGHTS to Create the RESULTS YOU WANT!
  • ATTAINMENT: Clear Directions and Instructions to ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!
  • ​GROWTH: Progress creates CONFIDENCE

Group Coaching

Upon Special Request

Ready to Experience the incredible Benefits of Coaching for Accelerated HEALTH and SUCCESS?

Ready to Invest in YOUR HEALTH and YOURSELF?

Private Coaching

Unlock Your Full Potential with Private Coaching!

What You Will Get:

Are you ready to take your HEALTH to the next level?
VeRAWonica's Private Coaching Sessions offer Personalized and Transformative Experiences that will SuperCharge your Journey towards Success.

1. Tailored Guidance: Designed just for you and your Needs.

2. Accelerated Progress:
Achieve your Goals Faster.

3. Expert Knowledge: Advantage of Expertise and Know-How! 

4. Accountability: Stay on track and Motivated.

5. Confidence Boost: Through Support, Build Self-Confidence.

6. MINDset Shift:  Control and Create the Thoughts you want to Think.

7. FUELstyle Switch: FUEL your Body.

CLICK BELOW to Schedule a

FREE Coaching Call

So WHAT am I
going to Learn in 5 DAYS?

Like Thousands of other Wonder Women like you, you will Learn how to SHIFT your own Thoughts to CREATE a POWERFUL and POSITIVE MINDset.  You will Learn how to apply Simple and Effective Ways to Switch to a mostly RAW Plant Based FUELstyle.  A Shift in both MINDset and FUELstyle will help you Empower yourself to be your BEST Version of yourself and will Inspire you to LIVE your BEST HEALTHY LIFEso you can CREATE and ACCOMPLISH what YOU want to ACHEIVE
in ALL areas of your Life.

So, How is VeRAWonica
going to HELP ME in 5 DAYS?

By Helping you Learn the Techniques and Skills to
Think  BETTER Thoughts, you will start producing POSITIVE Feelings,
and when that happens, Activities (things you want to Accomplish), become more Purposeful, Intentional and Productive, which ultimately, leads to the RAWmazing RESULTS you want.

And through YOUR NEW Powerful MINDset Shifting, you will
want to incorporate a more Nutritious FUELstyle, and when
that happens, things really start to Shift . . .

>>>  Your Health and Wellness Improves, 
>>>  your Energy and Vitality Improves,
>>>  Your Sleep Improves,
>>>  Your Appearance Improves, 
>>>  Your Weight Improves, and so much more!

Shifting Your MINDset and Switching to a High Nutrient mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle, will Improve Everything.
And when Everything Improves, it Changes you to
make the Changes you want.


Simple, Easy, FUN & Informative

With 5 Day Coaching,

You will GET:

  • WORKBOOK:    You will receive your Downloadable WORKBOOK, to help you follow along with the Video.  I have some Questions for you to Answer and lots of Space for your Notes.
  • ​​DAILY VIDEOS: Each Day you will receive a VIDEO from me Guiding you through the process of UP-LEVELing your MINDset and FUELstyle in order to CHANGE your GAME!
  • MANTRAS:  You get MINDset MANTRAS to help you Stay Focused and On Track.  You even get a few Blanks so you can create your own.
  • AFFIRMATIONS:  At the end of each Session, you will see Daily AFFIRMATIONS in your Workbook along with Space to create your own.
  • HOMEWORK:  yup!  You get HOMEWORK.  Daily Work (Action) creates RESULTS~


  • BONUS #1:     ONE DAY RAW PROGRAM - a RAWmazing Start to RENEW to a NEW YOU - Experience ONE Day of RAW Plant Based LIFE FORCE - FUEL for your Body, and Notice the ENERGY you will have in just ONE DAY! (you may even want to go onto my 7 DAY RAW).
  • ​BONUS #2:    CRAVINGS CHART so you quickly reference and Switch your 'Normal Food Cravings' with High-Nutrient FUEL instead. You will begin to CRAVE Healthy, Better, More Nutritious (and RAWlicious) FUEL.
  • BONUS #3:    'GREEN is the New Black' - my New e-book on how and why Caffeine is not your 'Energy Friend' and how to get MORE Energy from a GREEN Drink.  It also comes with MANTRAS, a FUEL Chart (to keep you on Track in the Grocery store), and GREEN Drink RAWcipes.

It's Never too late

to BE the BEST Version of Yourself.
to be PROUD of Yourself.
to Feel RAWmazing.
to Look HOT at any Age.

Ready to look forward to the NEXT Chapter of your Life with
Vigor, Vitality, Energy, Excitement, Joy, Wonder
and Determination to Succeed in YOUR HEALTH?


YES ! ! !


Join my Courses, Webinars, Live Events and Coaching,
and be part of the Thousands of Women I have helped World Wide to
Change Their Game!

VeRAWonica's Story

In my 30's, I was Drinking Alcohol; Partying; Eating Junk Food; Feeling like CRAP, I carried on like this for many years.   I  was Sick a LOT, I had a Chronic Illness and Disease that was hindering my Life.
My Doctors were giving me Prescription Drugs like Puffers for my Asthma and Meds for everything else, but I was not improving!
I had enough and I knew I had to make a Change, but what to do?
I decided to FIND OUT HOW to GET WELL  . . . ON MY OWN!
The first thing I did was Change what I was Eating and Drinking, and then what I was Thinking!
And, by Changing my FUELstyle and MINDset, it started me on my Path to WELLNESS . . .

My Journey went from being a Carnivore (full meat-eater and Sick a lot),
to a Flexitarian (half meat, half Veg - and I was still Sick),
to Full Vegetarian (still Sick),
to Vegan (still Sick)
to RAW Plant Based ~ where I became 100% HEALTHY & WELL, 
and this is what turned everything around for me. . .
My Diseases Disappeared!  I had Zero Illnesses! No more Aches, Pains, Coughs, Colds, Flues, Asthma or Allergies.  GONE!  All of it!
Today, at 60something, I am Super-Charged with Energy, Vitality and Enjoy Complete Wellness - EVERY SINGLE DAY, and so can YOU!

  • ​​Are you Ready to Be Healthier?
  • ​Have continual Energy?    More Vitality?
  • ​Are you Ready to be Well . . . ALL THE TIME?
  • ​​IF you answered YES to all or any of the above . . .

Click Below
and Let the Games Begin!

VeRAWonica-GNB jpg

FEMpreneur Olivia

Ever since I met VeRAWonica,
she has been teaching me how to live a Healthier FUELstyle and Lifestyle through her MINDset and FUELstyle Coaching.

I always drank Caffeinated Coffee and she told me about
Energy from GREEN Drinks. I just didn’t want to make the change.

But now that she wrote
'GREEN is the New Black', I read it, and I am now incorporating
A GREEN Drink into my Daily Life!

VeRAWonica - the World needs you to Help them, to Inspire them,
the way you do me, and to Teach people
How to Empower themselves when it comes to their Food choices.

I can't wait for your New Course -
How to STOP Over-Eating JU*NK Food!

Thank you for all you have done for me, and still do for me.

Instantly BOOST Your Energy with
REAL and RAW Plant Based FUEL.
Download the e-book:
'GREEN is the New Black' and
Start making RAWlicious, Delicious and Nutritious Energy Drinks.
Included are Fast and Simple RAWcipes,
MINDset Mantras and FUEL Chart.

VeRAWonica-MINDset-Mantras jpg

Lady Boss Cheryl

With VeRAWonica's Private Coaching,
I got the help I needed to get to the Next Level
in my Health and Financial Success.

VeRAWonica is HIGH ENERGY and just being around her,
I felt Energized!

She has taught me HOW to Change
my way of Thinking by Creating New and Empowering Thoughts to help me succeed in all areas of my Life.

I am so Grateful to have met such an Inspiring, Motivational and Knowledgeable Force
who understands Business Women.

I'm signing up for your Next Course,
no matter what it is!

Thank you for helping me do more,
accomplish my Goals, Live in Peace and Harmony
with myself and others.

I am so glad I found you!

Quick Start your Nutritious and RAWlicious
FUELstyle Journey.

ONE DAY RAW helps you with Creating
RAWmazing Meals for ONE DAY. 

Complete with Shopping List, RAWcipes, FUEL Chart and MINDset Mantras.

so you can Do more and Accomplish Your Dream and Goals FASTER.

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VeRAWonica's 'GREEN is the New Black' is what started me on my Journey towards a Healthier 'FUELstyle' as she calls it.

I can say that I now have a GREEN Drink every day and
I Feel like I have my Energy back!

VeRAWonica is the Real Deal.

Her enthusiasm and energy are contagious.
She is simply a walking advertisement for the benefits of
 a RAW, Organic, Plant-Based FUELstyle.

I hired VeRAWonica to help me with PRO-Aging, and through a Positive MINDset and a change in my FUELstyle,
I feel and look Younger!

VeRAWonica you are Inspirational and Empowering.

Thank you for Being so RAWmazing! .

With Private Coaching, I help you
Get to the Next Level of Health, Wellness
and Success. 
I show you How you can
Think Empowering and Positive Thoughts,
and How to
Consume HIGH Energy FUEL
so you can Do more and Accomplish
Your Dreams and Goals FASTER.  

RAWmazing Clients

Happy Healthy Clients
Have A LOT to say:


Watch VeRAWonica TALK about RAWmazingness

VeRAWonica-GNB jpg

That Channel

Hugh asks VeRAWonica about the Benefits of Consumin RAW Plant Based FUEL. 
She also introduces some of her Courses, and she shows Hugh How to make a Fast, Easy and Simple BANANA SPLIT.

VeRAWonica-MINDset-Mantras jpg

Natasha's Lips, Tips and Great Flips

Natasha interviews VeRAWonica and asks her some pointed questions such as the Cost of Consuming a High Nutrient FUELstyle. 
VeRAWonica also shares her Tips s PRO-Aging.

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The Healing Co-Operative

The Healing Co-Operative invited VeRAWonica as
their Guest Speaker. 
VeRAWonica's talk was about
the Power of GREEN Drinks. 

Lady Leader Cheryl

With VeRAWonica's Private Coaching, I got the help I needed to get to the Next Level in my Health and Financial Success. VeRAWonica is HIGH ENERGY and just being around her, I felt Energized! She has taught me HOW to Change my way of Thinking by Creating New and Empowering Thoughts to help me succeed in all areas of my Life. I am so Grateful to have met such an Inspiring, Motivational and Knowledgeable Force who understands Business Women. I'm signing up for your Next Course, no matter what it is! Thank you for helping me do more, accomplish my Goals, Live in Peace and Harmony with myself and others.
I am so glad I found you!

Here's a Quick Start to your Nutritious and RAWlicious FUELstyle Journey. ONE DAY ReNEW to a NEW YOU helps you with Creating RAWmazing Meals for
ONE DAY and maintaining a Positive MINDset. Complete with Grocery FUEL List, RAWcipes, FUEL List Chart,
MINDset Mantras and
GREEN is the New Black,
all so you can Do more
and Accomplish Your

Business Boss Olivia

VeRAWonica has been teaching me how to live a Healthier Fuelstyle and Lifestyle through her MINDset and FUELstyle Coaching. I always drank Caffeinated Coffee and she told me about Energy from GREEN Drinks. I just didn’t want to make the change.  I hired her to Coach me, because she said I had to Shift my Thoughts and strengthen my MINDset in order to make any effective changes in my life.  She helped me a lot, and with her Coaching, I got her eBook 'GREEN is the New Black'. I read it, and I am now incorporating a GREEN Drink into my Daily Life! VeRAWonica - the World needs you to Help them, to Inspire them, the way you do me, to Teach and Coach people How to Empower themselves when it comes to their Thoughts and Food choices. I can't wait for your Next Course because whatever it is, I'm in!  Thank you for all you have done for me, and still do for me.

With MINDset Mantras,
you will Get to the Next Level of Health, Wellness and Success. By Reading, Repeating and Believing, you can Accomplish anything you want to! With these 60
 MINDset Mantras will get your MIND Thinking Empowering and Positive Thoughts so you can Create the Life You Want to Live, and you receive Blanks so you can fill them in Yourself!

Business Boss Ravi

Ever since I met VeRAWonica, she has been teaching me how to live a Healthier Fuelstyle and Lifestyle through her MINDset and FUELstyle Coaching. I always drank Caffeinated Coffee and she told me about Energy from GREEN Drinks. I just didn’t want to make the change. But now that she wrote 'GREEN is the New Black', I read it, and I am now incorporating a GREEN Drink into my Daily Life! VeRAWonica - the World needs you to Help them, to Inspire them, the way you do me, and to Teach people how to Empower themselves when it comes to their Food choices. I can't wait for your New Course - whatever it is, I'm in!
Thank you for all you have done for me, and my Family.

Instantly BOOST Your Energy with REAL, CLEAN and RAW Plant Based FUEL. Download the e-book: 'GREEN is the New Black' and Start making RAWlicious, Delicious and Nutritious Energy Drinks. Included are Fast and Simple RAWcipes, MINDset Mantras and FUEL Chart.

Boost Your Energy,
Vitality & Health in 5 Days!

By joining in my 5 Day LIVE Coaching Webinar, you will Discover:

* BUILD and Strengthen Immune System and enjoy Wellness as the New Norm.

* BOOST ENERGY Instantly with RAWlicious Fast and Simple GREEN Drink RAWcipes.

* IMPROVE VITALITYby Easily Switching from a Carnivore Diet to a High Nutrient mostly RAW Plant Based FUELstyle. 

* CREATE POSITIVE RESULTS by Quickly Gaining Power over your MINDset every time you Think a Thought.

INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY by having the ENERGY to do more.

FEEL RAWmazing by harnessing Positive Thoughts that Create POSITVE FEELINGS.

* ACHEIVE BETTER SLEEP by incorporating Nightly Routines and Rituals.

* SHARPER Mental FOCUS with FUELstyle and MINDset Tools to keep you on Track towards your Goals. 

* PRO-AGING thru a Rich Nutrients and Empowering Thoughts.

* UPGRADE Overall HEALTH by incorporating all of the above.

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So WHAT am I going to
Learn in 5 Days?

You will learn like Thousands of other Wonder Women like you have learned,
How you can SHIFT your own Thoughts, and
Apply Simple and Effective Ways to Switch to a
mostly RAW Plant Based FUELstyle,
in order to EmPOWER yourself to be
The BEST Versions of you,
to LIVE your BEST LIFE, so you can
in ALL areas of your Life.

From Super Sick to Super Healthy

Drinking Alcohol, Partying, Eating Junk Food, Feeling like CRAP, Being Sick
and Tired a LOT of the time, I knew I had to make a Change, but what to do?
My Doctors were giving me Prescription Drugs and I was not improving!

I decided to FIND OUT HOW TO Change what I was Eating, and Thinking!
And, Changing my FUELstyle and MINDset started me on my Path to Wellness.

My Journey went from being a Carnivore (full meat-eater and sick),
to a Flexitarian (half meat, half Veg - and I was still Sick),
to Full Vegetarian (still sick),
to Vegan (still sick)
to RAW Plant Based - and this is what turned everything around for me...

My Diseases Disappeared, I had Zero Illnesses, and
Energy, Health and Wellness Improved!
And, even now at 60+ish, I am Still Super Charged with Energy,
Vitality and Enjoy Complete Wellness.

  • Are you Ready to Be Healthier?
  • Have continual Energy? Vitality?
  • ​Are you Ready to be Well - ALL THE TIME?
  • ​IF you answered YES to all or any of the above . . .

​ Click Below and Let the Games Begin!

So HOW is VeRAWonica
going to Help Me in 5 Days?

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By teaching you the Techniques and Skills how to Think BETTER Thoughts, you will start producing POSITIVE Feelings and when that happens, Activities (things you want to Accomplish), become more Purposeful, Intentional and Productive, which ultimately, leads to RAWmazing RESULTS

And through this Powerful MINDset Shifting, you will want to incorporate a more Nutritious FUELstyle, and when that happens, things really start to Shift ....
Your Health and Wellness Improves, your Energy and Vitality Improves,
Your Sleep Improves, Your Appearance Improves,  and Your Weigh Improves.

Shifting Your MINDset and Switching to a High Nutrient mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle, will Improve Everything. 
It Changes You, and You will Be The Change.

Through my Courses, Webinars, Live Events and Coaching,
I have helped Thousands of Women World Wide to
Be The Change they wanted to see in themselves. 

It's Never too late to BE the BEST Version of Yourself.
To be PROUD of Yourself.  To Feel RAWmazing. To Look HOT (at any age),
and to Look forward to the NEXT Chapter of your Life with
Vigor, Vitality, Energy, Health, Excitement, Joy, Wonder and even
Determination to Succeed in a New Passion. 

YES!!!!  I Want to

RAWmazing Talks

Watch VeRAWonica TALK about RAWmazingness

That Channel

Hugh asks VeRAWonica about Consuming a RAW Plant Based FUEL, where she explains the many Benefits.
She also introduces some of her Digital Products and makes a RAWlicious Banana Split for Hugh.
Grab ReNEW to a NEW YOU today.

Natasha's Lips, Tips and
Great Flips

Natasha interviews VeRAWonica and asks her some pointed questions such as the Cost of Consuming Organics and a High Nutrient FUELstyle.
VeRAWonica also shares her Tips on PRO-Aging. 

The Healing Co-Operative

The Healing Co-Operative invited VeRAWonica as their Guest Speaker.
VeRAWonica's talk was about the Power of GREEN Drinks and the Benefits of drinking a
GREEN Drink a day. 
Grab  'GREEN is the New Black' ebook.


Whether you want RAWmazing Health, Help with your MINDset and/or Coaching, I've got you covered!  

VeRAWonica-GNB jpg

GREEN is the New Black 

Instantly BOOST Your Energy with REAL and RAW Plant Based FUEL. Download the e-book: 'GREEN is the New Black' and Start making RAWlicious, Delicious and Nutritious Energy Drinks. Included are Fast and Simple RAWcipes, MINDset Mantras and FUEL Chart.


By Consistently using these FREE Mantra Cards, You begin to Train Your Brain.
Your MINDset starts to Shift to more Constructive, Purposeful Thoughts, and thiS NEW Way of Thinking Ultimately keeps you On Track and Focused on Your END GAME.

VeRAWonica-GNB jpg
VeRAWonica-GNB jpg


With Coaching, I help you Get to the Next Level of Health, Wellness and Success. I show you How you can Think Empowering and Positive Thoughts and, How to Consume HIGH Energy FUEL so you can Do more and Accomplish Your Dream and Goals FASTER.



©VeRAWonica Enterprises 2023.  All Rights Reserved.


Watch VeRAWonica TALK about RAWmazingness

VeRAWonica-GNB jpg

That Channel

Hugh asks VeRAWonica about the Benefits of Consumin RAW Plant Based FUEL.  She also introduces some of her Courses, and she shows Hugh How to make a Fast, Easy and Simple BANANA SPLIT.

VeRAWonica-GNB jpg

Natasha's Lips, Tips and Great Flips

Natasha interviews VeRAWonica and asks her some pointed questions such as the Cost of Consuming a High Nutrient FUELstyle.VeRAWonica also shares her Tips s PRO-Aging.

VeRAWonica-GNB jpg

The Healing Co-Operative

The Healing Co-Operative invited VeRAWonica astheir Guest Speaker.VeRAWonica's talk was about the Power of GREEN Drinks.