
Total Solar Eclipse

Monday, April 08, 2024

Blog/MINDset/Total Solar Eclipse
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​Today marks a Very Special Day . . . a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE

A Rare Celestial Event where the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, obscuring the Sun's Light and casting a Shadow on the Earth's surface.

At approximately 3:19pm Toronto Time, the Sky will Darken and any one Observing this Rare Phenomena will Experience a Brief period of Darkness at this time.

How Does this Impact on Health?

Today's Total Solar Eclipse is a Celestial Spectacle.  It is also a Powerful Event that can influence both Human and Animal Health. 


During a Solar Eclipse, the Sun's Energy temporarily decreases which affects our Exposure to Natural Light during the day.  Solar Radiation (Energy emitted by the Sun as Electromagnetic Waves) is also diminished at the same time.

Some people may experience a Temporary Decrease in Energy Levels, as Solar Eclipses can Disrupt our Biological Rhythms, including Sleep Patterns and Hormonal Cycles. Some individuals may Experience changes in Mood, Sleep Quality, and overall Well-Being during and after the Eclipse.

If you are in tune with your Vibrational Energy, this Change in Solar Energy can bring a Sense of Rejuvenation and ReNewal.


Animals may exhibit unusual Behavior during a Solar Eclipse as the Sudden Darkness can confuse them.

Any Creature may Exhibit Changes in Behavior during the Solar Eclipse, especially if they are Sensitive to Changes in Light and Darkness. This confusion may lead to Increased Vocalization, Alertness, Restlessness, Anxiety, becoming Overly Cautious and may Attempt to Seek Shelter. 

Birds may Stop Singing, and Nocturnal Creatures may emerge prematurely becoming more Active as they respond to the sudden Darkness.

Observing these changes, especially in Pets is important so that you can comfort them as best you can.  

In both Human and Animal Health, it is best to not look directly at the Sun without proper Eyewear as Prolonged Exposure to Solar Radiation can be Harmful to Eyes and Skin, and Avoid exposing Pets to Direct Sun during the Solar Eclipse.  It's best to keep them inside and comforted.

This incredible Moment in Time and History, is a Time to Take a Breath, Pause for a Moment and Embrace this Cosmic Event as a Reminder of the Profound interplay between the Universe and our Own Health Journey.

It's a Time to Reflect, Practice MINDfulness and our Connection with All Things.

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MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Change

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2 Ways to SHIFT your MINDset:

1. Do it yourself with FREE MINDset Mantras - below.

​2. Hire a MINDset SHIFTer and Get Coached - below that.

FREE MINDset Mantras

Keeping in a Positive MINDset is Work. Most of us were not taught How to Keep a Positive MINDset.

​​As a MINDset Shifter, I help Guide people to Shift their MINDset towards Positive, Productive and Powerful Thoughts. This can be achieved on our own with the aid of MINDset Mantras, which can be downloaded for free below.

MINDset SHIFTing can be accomplished Faster with one-on-one Coaching.

Having a MINDset Shifter as our Personal Coach can expedite our end Results, whatever we want them to be.

We can Live a Happier and more Joyous Life filled with Peace of Mind by going to MINDset School which is a priceless investment in ourselves.

We can Learn How to Think, and How to Create the Lives we want to live, just by Thinking certain Thoughts.

This concept is that easy! The hard part is doing the work.

Let's take being Fit as an example. We must do Physical Activity on a Consistent Basis and put in the necessary work in order to get the Results we want.

However, we must know what we are doing. And if we want to get to our Optimum Shape correctly, we hire a Personal Trainer or Coach, to show us the proper way how to do our Workout so we can attain our Goal more Efficiently.

In order to Create the Lives we want, we must Exercise our MIND regularly by Monitoring, Creating, Directing and Controlling the Thoughts we want to Think.

This is attained in an Efficient and Effective manner by hiring a MINDset Shifter to Coach us to SHIFT our MINDset properly.

Living a Life guided by Positivity, Purpose and Possibility is Rewarding Beyond Measure.

MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Changer

Hi, I'm VeRAWonica

I'm a GAME Changer
MINDset Mentor,
FUELstyle Queen,
LIFEstyle Coach, and
RAW Plant Based Expert. 

I've created these Blogs to help you Learn more about how MINDset and FUEL can influence your LIFEstyle and your Health. 

Developing a Positive, Productive and Powerful MINDset along with Consuming a mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle, helps you Create your RAWmazing Health, Wellness and the LIFEstyle you want.

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