
How to get your MOJO Back

Monday, March 11, 2024

Blog/MINDset/How to get your MOJO Back
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What is MOJO?

MOJO is another word for Energy, Enthusiasm, Sense of Purpose, Zest for Life, Motivation and Drive.

How do we loose our MOJO and How do we get our Groove Back?

In today's World, everything is moving very fast.  With so many Deadlines and Responsibilities, we tend to find ourselves Over-Whelmed which just Over-Taxes us to the point of Shutting Down. 

Once we Shut Down, we can easily find ourselves Stuck in a Rut, Battling with Lack of Motivation and Fears of the Unknown, which ultimately, keep us Stuck in Status-Quo.   

Understanding the Root Cause:

So why do we often find ourselves Lacking Motivation? 

There are countless reasons why our Motivation lacks, such as, Unhealthy Eating and Drinking, Monotony of Daily Life, Stress, Burnout, Over-Whelm, Lack of Direction or Purpose  and FEAR! Let's break some of these down:

UnHealthy Drinking and Eating:

Our Fast Lives often causes us to Eat Fast Food.  Little to no Thought is put into what we Consume.  What we are Feeding our Bodies, rather than FUELing our Bodies.  Is it any Wonder when we Consume Crappy Food we feel Crappy and don't Feel like we have any MOJO?

Monotony of Daily Life:

Humans are generally Creatures of Comfort and getting out of our Comfort Zone is not as easy as one might think. Oddly  enough, most of use don't like the Monotony of Daily Life, yet, follow Routines that we are accustomed to, and that are Familiar to us.  Think taking the same way home from Work.  Seldom do we deviate from the same Route home.

Stress, Burnout and Over-Whelm:

Most of us do not handle Stress well, nor have the Mental Tools to Re-Direct our Thoughts about Stress.  We do not create Healthy Boundaries, Know how to Say No, and have Challenges with Making Decisions, and all of that, Amplifies our Stress Levels.

Lack of Direction or Purpose:

Many of us have had our lives planned out for us, without question.  We end up in Jobs we don't like.  Do work that doesn't UP-Lift us, have Careers that don't Stimulate or Challenge us and are in Businesses that simply don't make us Jump out of Bed in the morning.


Fear are False Emotions that Appear Real.  We have Believed our Fears for so long, we don't know a way out or around them.
We haven't been taught that How we Feel is due to the Thoughts we are having.   Additionally, Fear of the Unknown has often Paralyzed us, avoiding making Steps to Move Forward. 

Movement gets your MOJO Back!

Steps to Get our MOJO Back!

One of the most important Steps is, to Take a Step. And then another, and another, and so on.  Once we start this process, we slowly get out of our Rut.  It takes One Step at-a-time.  

Healthy High Energy FUEL:

It's so important to Embrace a High Nutrient FUELstyle in order to Energize our Cells, which ultimately Energizes us.  We need to have Energy for LIFE and Living our Best Lives.  Anything less will leave us Lethargic, UnMotivated and Lazy.

​The Best and Fastest Way to Get a Boost of Energy is to FUEL our Body with a SuperCharged GREEN Drink Every Day.  Our Bodies will react to the Jolt of Nutritional Energy which will Jolt us into our MOJO ZONE again. (Check below for suggestions).

Step Outside Our Comfort Zone:

Take a New Route Home.  Eat earlier.  Learn a New Skill.  Enroll in a Class.

Growth occurs outside of our Comfort Zone. 

By Challenging ourselves to New things and Exploring unfamiliar Territory, we just might be Surprised, and Excited by what we find and Discover along the New Way Home! 

Set Small Goals:

Breaking down your Goals into Smaller, more Manageable Tasks makes them feel less daunting.

It also provides us with a Sense of Accomplishment when we complete these Tasks.  We start to Experience Progress and begin to See Results. 

By Celebrating each Victory, however small, we begin to develop a Sense of Purpose and Drive for our next Task.

Define Our Why:

Begin by Clarifying our Goals.  What do we Want?  Why do we want them?

What makes us Happy?  What do we see ourselves doing?

By identifying our Wants and Needs, we begin to Create Motivation and Define our Direction.  By following our Dreams (even as a Side Hussle), we begin to Create Momentum and a Sense of Purpose, which will Drive us Forward.  

Our Why's and Wants will serve as a Powerful FUEL for Action!

Cultivate a Positive MINDset:

Embrace a MINDset Focused on Positivity, Learning and Growth.

By Learning MINDset Techniques and Creating New Thought Patterns, we Cultivate New Emotions that ultimately move us Forward into Action. 

Creating Positive Thoughts, we SHIFT our MINDset and our Emotions in a Positive and Secure Direction, leaving Thoughts and Feelings of FEAR in the Rearview Mirror on the Road towards our MOJO. 

MOJO Magic

This is a Story of Sofia:

Sofia worked at a Job she didn't like.  It wasn't Creative or Fun.  Her Enthusiasm, Energy, and Sense of Purpose were gone.

Her MOJO for her Boring Daily Job was gone too.

She found herself Dreaming of starting her own Online Business selling things she loved to make.  However, Sofia didn't think her Creations were worth Selling and, she was Afraid they weren't good enough. 

When Sofia got home from her Mundane Job, she found Joy in making and working on her Vegan Handbags with Hand-Painted Designs.  They were Colourful, Ethically-sourced and FUN to make.  They made Sofia Happy.

With the support a MINDset Mentor (VeRAWonica), who coached Sofia to Break Down her Goals and, SHIFT her MINDset towards herself and her Designs, Sofia launched her Esty Shop. 

One Step at a Time.  One MINDset SHIFT at a Time, Sofia overcame her Fears and now runs her on-line Business full time.


Here's a FAST way
to get Healthy High Energy FUEL



The 90 Day Ultimate LIFEstyle Transformation Kit (UTL) comes in 3 different variations:

1. GET the ULT + PERFORMANCE For Rapid Recovery, Repairing Muscles, Building Lean Muscle Mass, Enhancing Fitness and Performance. For the Physically Active and Athlete in you.

2. GET the ULT + IMMUNE For a More Balanced Mood, Better Digestion, and Deeper Sleep.
For Anyone Struggling to Build a Stronger Immune Function.

3. GET the ULT + COLLAGEN For Glowing Skin, Youthfulness and Experiencing a Beauty Transformation from the Inside Out.
For Anyone wanting to Look their Best.


🔺This is a 90 Day Transformation Kit.
That means every day you Consume this FUEL as Food EVERY DAY for 90 Days.
It is delivered to your Door Every Month for 3 Months.

🔺You Receive a FREE TRACKER to help you See it, Feel it and Track it.

🔺You Receive a FREE FUEL GUIDE so you can read more about each Product and Ingredient.

🔺You Receive a FREE BLENDER 

Start Today. If you can't make a Decision - Read our Blog on DECISION.

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2 Ways to SHIFT your MINDset:

 #1.  Do it yourself with 

Keeping in a Positive MINDset is Work. It requires Daily Practice and Repetition.

With over 60 MINDset Mantras, the objective is to Paste them EVERYWHERE, Carry them with you.  Put them where you can See them ALL THE TIME.

This is the Perfect Do-it-Yourself!

 2.  Do it with a
Mindset Mentor

Most of us were not taught How to Think, and How to Create the Lives we want to live, just by Thinking certain Thoughts.

Instead we continuously have random 'squirrel' Thoughts that lead us no where! 

We want to be Healthy.  We want to be Rich.  We want to Love. 
Why aren't we there yet?

As a MINDset Shifter, I help Guide people to Shift their MINDset towards Positive, Productive and Powerful Thoughts.

Having a MINDset Shifter as a Personal Coach can Expedite End Results, by Learning how to Live a Happier and more Joyous Life filled with Peace of MIND.

Going to MINDset School, is a Priceless Investment in YOURSELF! 

I did it!  I was Tired of the Internal Chatter, Fed UP of not achieving my Goals.   

And so, I took the 'chance'.  I made the DECISION. I I finally Stopped PROCRASTING!


I Hired a Personal MINDset Coach for two years and then after that, I went to The LIFE COACH School for one year.​

Living a Life guided by Positivity, Purpose and Possibility is Rewarding Beyond Measure.

​CLICK BELOW and Invest in YOU!

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MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Change

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2 Ways to SHIFT your MINDset:

1. Do it yourself with FREE MINDset Mantras - below.

​2. Hire a MINDset SHIFTer and Get Coached - below that.

FREE MINDset Mantras

Keeping in a Positive MINDset is Work. Most of us were not taught How to Keep a Positive MINDset.

​​As a MINDset Shifter, I help Guide people to Shift their MINDset towards Positive, Productive and Powerful Thoughts. This can be achieved on our own with the aid of MINDset Mantras, which can be downloaded for free below.

MINDset SHIFTing can be accomplished Faster with one-on-one Coaching.

Having a MINDset Shifter as our Personal Coach can expedite our end Results, whatever we want them to be.

We can Live a Happier and more Joyous Life filled with Peace of Mind by going to MINDset School which is a priceless investment in ourselves.

We can Learn How to Think, and How to Create the Lives we want to live, just by Thinking certain Thoughts.

This concept is that easy! The hard part is doing the work.

Let's take being Fit as an example. We must do Physical Activity on a Consistent Basis and put in the necessary work in order to get the Results we want.

However, we must know what we are doing. And if we want to get to our Optimum Shape correctly, we hire a Personal Trainer or Coach, to show us the proper way how to do our Workout so we can attain our Goal more Efficiently.

In order to Create the Lives we want, we must Exercise our MIND regularly by Monitoring, Creating, Directing and Controlling the Thoughts we want to Think.

This is attained in an Efficient and Effective manner by hiring a MINDset Shifter to Coach us to SHIFT our MINDset properly.

Living a Life guided by Positivity, Purpose and Possibility is Rewarding Beyond Measure.

MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Changer

Hi, I'm VeRAWonica

I'm a GAME Changer
MINDset Mentor,
FUELstyle Queen,
LIFEstyle Coach, and
RAW Plant Based Expert. 

I've created these Blogs to help you Learn more about how MINDset and FUEL can influence your LIFEstyle and your Health. 

Developing a Positive, Productive and Powerful MINDset along with Consuming a mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle, helps you Create your RAWmazing Health, Wellness and the LIFEstyle you want.

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