Saturday, August 31, 2024
No Eating Until Noon!
Do you feel Sluggish and Tired, even after a Full Night’s Sleep?
Do you have a Hard Time Keeping Awake?
Do you have a Difficult time Focusing and being Productive?
By Changing just One small thing in our Morning Routine, we can Completely Transform our Energy, Focus and even our Health!
That's right!
The Secret lies in a Simple, yet POWERful Morning Ritual:
No Food until Noon.
It may sound Challenging at first, or maybe even Impossible. However, once you try it, you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner!
In this Blog, Learn How Fasting until Noon can Help Us with our Overall Physical Health and Mental Wellness.
We’ve all been told that Breakfast is the MOST Important Meal of the Day right?
From Childhood, we were Taught that we NEED to Eat as soon as we Wake Up in order to 'Jump-Start' our Day.
What if this isn't entirely correct?
What if Eating right away is Actually Slowing Us Down?
Here’s why:
When we Eat right after Waking Up, especially Foods High in Sugar and Carbohydrates (Cereal, Toast, Pancakes, Bagels etc.), our Body has to SHIFT it's Focus from other Essential Tasks, like DETOXing and REPAIRing our Cells, to DIGESTing Food.
This can make us Feel Tired, Bloated, Lethargic, Low on Energy and UnFocused, even BEFORE we begin our Day!
NOTE: Digesting Food takes 10 - 30% of our Total Body's Energy to Engage in Breaking Down our Food.
When we do Eat after Waking, we Experience the Classic Mid-Morning Crash, where our Energy Dips. We reach for an Addictive Energy-Booster (Caffeine) and even maybe a Sugary Pastry (Muffin, Croissant, Donut etc.)
When we do this, we Spike our Blood Sugar Levels. Even though we may Feel an initial Energy Boost, the Crash comes soon after, leaving us Craving MORE of the same Sugary, Calorie-Dense, Bad Carbohydrate Food to Compensate.
And the Cycle continues throughout the day!
The First way to Improve our Morning Routine is to give our Digestive System a Longer Break!
This allows it to REST and REPAIR, which Improves Digestion, Reduces Bloating and helps us to Feel Light and more Comfortable.
🕛 Release Weight:
When we FAST for Longer Periods (such as Overnight and into the Morning), our Body begins to BURN FAT for FUEL! This helps us with Weight Management and our Overall Health. Imagine Burning Fat with very little Effort!
🕛 Fewer Cravings:
By Not Eating Right Away, we Avoid the Blood Sugar Spikes and Crashes that come with Traditional Breakfast Foods. This means Fewer CRAVINGS and more Sustained Energy throughout the Morning.
Click Here to Grab your FREE CRAVINGS Chart.
🕛 Stabilized Blood Sugar:
When we Fast, our Body doesn't have to Focus on Digesting our Food. Instead, it uses that Energy to FUEL our Brain and other Vital Organs.
🕛 Increased Energy and Focus:
Because we are FUELing our Brain and not Digesting our Food, our Focus becomes Better and we get an Increase of Energy.
We we imagine Fasting until Noon, it may Feel Over Whelming.
The Second Way to Help with Morning Fasting is to have a GREEN Drink or a GREEN Juice.
This way, our Body does not have to work as Hard as when we Eat Solid Food, and with a GREEN Juice, it's even less of a Burden on our System.
Check out GREEN is the New Black - an ebook with Full Instructions on Why Drink GREEN, GREEN Drink RAWcipes, and a few Bonuses! More information is below.
If you are Looking for a Premium Juicer, we are Affiliated with Nama Well. Details for ordering the Nama J2 Juicer are below!
At this point, you may be Wondering . . .
Won't it be hard?
I'm not sure I can Skip Breakfast!
I love my Morning Meals!
We totally get it! Everything is a little difficult at first. However, it's easier than you Think!
Here's how you can do it:
Ease Into It:
Start by Delaying Breakfast by just 30 minutes to an hour, and Gradually work your way up to Noon.
Stay Hydrated:
Drink Plenty of Water, a GREEN Drink or GREEN Juice to keep yourself Hydrated and Curb any Hunger Pangs, which by the way, we often Mistake Thirst for Hunger!
Keep Busy:
Distract yourself with Morning Tasks, the Gym, or a nice Walk in Nature. You’ll be surprised how Quickly the Morning Flies by when you’re Focused on something else.
Personal Growth:
Write out your Affirmations, Self-Image or Life Vision. Journal. Take this time to Reflect on what you want to Accomplish and who you are becoming.
Embrace the Benefits:
Focus on How RAWmazing you Feel. More Energy, More Clarity, and NO Post-Breakie Crash! The More you Experience the Benefits, the Easier it becomes to Stick with it until it becomes your Morning Routine!
The Benefits of Fasting
Mental Clarity:
Our Mental Clarity Increases and Focus becomes enhanced when we Fast. We Feel Sharper because there is no Food to Digest, so our Brain gets More Oxygen and More Energy to Perform at its Best!
Improved Metabolism:
Fasting Helps Reset our Metabolism, making it Easier for our Body to Burn Fat, Release Weight and Maintain a Healthy Weight. Our Body becomes More Efficient at using Energy when its not Constantly Digesting Food.
Cellular Repair and Detox:
Fasting gives our Body a Break from Processing Food and Allows our Body to Focus on More Important things like REPAIRing Damaged Cells, FIGHTing off Toxins and REDUCing Inflammation.
Better Relationship with Food:
By Fasting until Noon, we Become More MINDful of what we Eat and When. Learning to Listen to our Body's cues, and Understanding what is going on inside of us, makes us less likely to Over-Eat and Snack out of Habit. Check out our Blog on Over-Eating.
You’ve Got This!
If you're Wondering if you can Really Do this, the Answer is YES ! ! !
You Absolutely Can!
Fasting until Noon is a small Change with BIG Benefits!
Once you start to Feel the Positive Effects on your Body and MIND, you won't go back to Eating Breakfast any time soon!
Just Imagine Waking up Feeling Energized, Breezing through your Morning with Focus and Clarity. Your Productivity Increases and your Weight Decreases!
NO FOOD TILL NOON is a WIN-WIN all the Way!
Ready for the Challenge?
Grab Your Copy Today!
"Green is the New Black"
⬇ $27.00 ⬇
Have a RAWmazing Day!
MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Change
When you Subscribe to our weekly RAW News, you get information that is Exclusive for our RAW Followers.
1. Do it yourself with FREE MINDset Mantras - below.
2. Hire a MINDset SHIFTer and Get Coached - below that.
Keeping in a Positive MINDset is Work. Most of us were not taught How to Keep a Positive MINDset.
As a MINDset Shifter, I help Guide people to Shift their MINDset towards Positive, Productive and Powerful Thoughts. This can be achieved on our own with the aid of MINDset Mantras, which can be downloaded for free below.
MINDset SHIFTing can be accomplished Faster with one-on-one Coaching.
Having a MINDset Shifter as our Personal Coach can expedite our end Results, whatever we want them to be.
We can Live a Happier and more Joyous Life filled with Peace of Mind by going to MINDset School which is a priceless investment in ourselves.
We can Learn How to Think, and How to Create the Lives we want to live, just by Thinking certain Thoughts.
This concept is that easy! The hard part is doing the work.
Let's take being Fit as an example. We must do Physical Activity on a Consistent Basis and put in the necessary work in order to get the Results we want.
However, we must know what we are doing. And if we want to get to our Optimum Shape correctly, we hire a Personal Trainer or Coach, to show us the proper way how to do our Workout so we can attain our Goal more Efficiently.
In order to Create the Lives we want, we must Exercise our MIND regularly by Monitoring, Creating, Directing and Controlling the Thoughts we want to Think.
This is attained in an Efficient and Effective manner by hiring a MINDset Shifter to Coach us to SHIFT our MINDset properly.
I'm a GAME Changer
MINDset Mentor,
FUELstyle Queen,
LIFEstyle Coach, and
RAW Plant Based Expert.
I've created these Blogs to help you Learn more about how MINDset and FUEL can influence your LIFEstyle and your Health.
Developing a Positive, Productive and Powerful MINDset along with Consuming a mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle, helps you Create your RAWmazing Health, Wellness and the LIFEstyle you want.
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