
How to Stop Over Eating

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Blog/MINDset/How to Stop Over Eating
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Have you ever found yourself standing in front of the Fridge at Midnight, Devouring a Tub of Ice Cream?

Why do we do that? 

How can we ST🛑P?

In this Blog, we're going to give some Strategies on How to STOP Over-Eating.

The Importance of a Healthy Relationship with Food:

 Maintaining a Healthy Relationship with Food is Vital.

We must be MINDful of our Food, Eating Habits, and being able to Recognize and Respond to our True Hunger and Fullness Signals.

Food has become a Source of Pleasure, Culture and Social Interaction and, if we are not MINDful of our Food Consumption, and our Food intake, it can lead to MINDless Eating, which can lead to Over-Eating, which can lead to many Health issues.

Finding a Balance, will Help us Prevent Over-Eating and will Support our Overall Physical, Emotional and Mental Well Being.

The Detrimental Effects of Over-Eating:

Over-Eating can have Serious Repercussions on both our Physical and Mental Health, as well as, our Emotional Well-Being.

Here are ways it can impact us:

Physical Health:
Consuming more Calories than our Body needs, leads to Weight Gain, whereby the added Weight can put a Strain on our Heart, Internal Organs, Knees and Hips..

This can in turn, result in Obesity, which is a Major Risk Factor for various Chronic Diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, and certain Cancers. 

Additionally, Over-Eating can cause Digestive issues like Acid Reflux, Bloating, Gas and General Discomfort. 

Mental Health:  
Over-Eating can Contribute to Anxiety and Depression, often due to Worries about Weight and Health. 

It can Disrupt our Cognitive Functions and Concentration, leading to Increased Stress and Mental Fatigue.

Emotional Well-being:  
Over-Eating can cause us Emotional Distress by Triggering Feelings of Guilt and Shame. 

These Feelings can Negatively impact our Self-Esteem and Self-Worth. 

Having these Feelings, often leads to a Cycle of Emotional Over-Eating, where Food is used as  a Temporary Relief from our Negative Emotions.   

This often causes us to Feel Out-of-Control and can take an Emotional Toll on us, which pushes us to Over-Eat even more.

Addressing Over-Eating is essential for living a healthier and happier life. Understanding why we overeat is the first step toward breaking the cycle.

What TRIGGERS Over-Eating?

By identifying our Triggers, we can Develop Strategies to Manage them Effectively.

The 3 Most Common Triggers:

1.  ​Stress:
When we’re Stressed, our Bodies Release Cortisol, a Hormone that Increases Appetite.

Stress Eating can become a Coping Mechanism, leading to the Over-Consumption of Comfort Foods that are often High in Sugar, Fat and Calories.

2.  Boredom:
When we Lack Engaging Activities, we often turn to Food for Entertainment.

Eating can provide a Temporary Distraction from Boredom, which can Lead us to MINDless Eating and therefore Over-Calorie intake. 

3.  Emotional Eating: 
Food can be a Source of Comfort during Emotional Highs and Lows.

Whether we’re Celebrating a Success or Coping with Sadness, turning to Food can become an Automatic Response.

3 Plan of Actions to STOP Over-Eating 


🔺Practice Relaxation Techniques: 
When we Feel Stressed-Out, this is the Perfect time to do some Deep Breathing Exercises, Meditate, or do some Yoga. 

These Practices help us to Relax which ultimately Reduces our Stress while Promoting a Sense of Calm and Balances our 'want' for Food.

🔺Regular Exercise:  
When we Exercise, it Produces Pleasure Hormones such as Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin, which Improves our Mood, and Reduces our Stress.

This helps us to Feel Good about ourselves, causing us to Eat MINDfully and, On Purpose.

🔺Adequate Sleep:
Lack of Sleep can Increase Stress Levels and Disrupt Hunger Hormones, which can lead us to the Fridge Freezer to get Ice Cream and Eat the Whole Tub!


​🔺Go for a Walk:
Physical Activity, even a short walk, can Alleviate Boredom, Uplift our Mood and Reduce the Urge to Eat out of Habit.

​🔺Read a Book:
When we dive into a Good Book, we are Captivated and Engaged in Reading, rather than Eating!  

​🔺Engage in Hobbies: 
When we s
eek out our Inner Picasso and Paint, or Play a Musical Instrument, or do Physical Activities that we Enjoy, they will keep our Minds occupied because it Fulfills us and that, keeps us from Eating due to Boredom. ​


🔺Recognize our Emotions:
By paying Attention to our Emotional State BEFORE we reach for more Food, we can identify whether we are Truly Hungry or not. 

Or, whether we are Eating out of Sadness, Loneliness or Frustration. 

🔺​Find Healthy Coping Mechanisms:
One of the ways to Cope with Food is by  Journaling. 

By writing down our Feelings, it helps us identify what we are Feeling so we can create Healthy Emotions so we don’t Over-Eat.

By reaching out and Talking to a Friend, or Seeking out Professional Help for Therapy, can provide us with Valuable Insights and, perhaps other Strategies for Managing our Emotional Eating. 

​🔺Engaging in 
Mindful Activities:
Engaging in Activities that Promote MINDfulness, such as, Tai Chi, Forest Bathing, or Grounding, can help us Feel Better so we are not Emotionally Triggered to Over-Eat!  

5 Ways to Break the


🔺Pay Full Attention:
By Focusing on the Experience of Eating, Turning Off any Distractions like TV and Digital Devices, and sitting Down at a Table to Enjoy our Meal helps us Engage in the Full Attention of Eating.  Check out our Blog on:  MINDful Eating

🔺Savor Each Bite:
Taking Small Bites and Chewing our FUEL thoroughly, helps us Enjoy the Favours, Textures and Aromas of our Food. 

🔺Recognize Hunger and Fullness Cues: 
We must Listen to our Body, and Eat when we’re Hungry and Learn to STOP when we’re Comfortably Full.


🔺Use Smaller Plates:
Serving Meals on Smaller Plates can help us Control Portion Sizes and Prevent us from Over-Eating. 

Instead of Eating Directly from Large Packages, Portion out Snacks and our Meals into Smaller, Individual Servings.

​🔺Mindful Serving:
When we Dine Out, consider Sharing a Large Portioned Dish, or Eating Half, and Taking the Rest home for the Next Day's Meal.  


🔺Positive Thinking:
 we Cultivate a Positive Outlook, we Naturally lean towards Healthier Eating. 

In order to do this, Let's Celebrate our Victories (however BIG or small), and Learn from our Setbacks, without Judging Ourselves. 

A Positive MINDset can help us Stay Motivated towards our Healthy Eating Goals!  

🔺Mindfulness Practices:
Regularly Practicing MINDfulness like Meditation, helps increase our Self-Awareness and helps Reduce our Emotional Eating Triggers.

Mindfulness helps us Stay Present so we can make Conscious Choices about What and When to Eat. 

Being Kind to ourselves helps us to Break the Cycle of Over-Eating. 

By saying Positive Things to ourselves, it Encourages us to Make Better Food Choices.


🔺Nutrient-Dense Foods:
Focusing on RAW Plant Based FUEL - Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, SuperFoods, Sprouts and Sea Vegetables, because these Foods are High in Nutrients and Fiber keeping us Fuller Longer, which helps Reduce the Temptation to Over-Eat. 

🔺Balanced Meals:
Ensuring that our Meals are Balanced with approx. 50% being made up of Healthy Carbohydrates, 25% Good Fats and 25% Proteins (Check out our Blogs "Plants Have Protein" and "Why Eat Plants").

This helps maintain Steady Energy Levels and prevents Cravings.

🔺Experiment with RAWcipes:
Trying some RAW Plant Based RAWcipes can make us Feel Energetic and Full at the same time. 

Plants are Full of Energy, Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals, Anti-Oxidants, Enzymes and PhytoNutrients.


🔺Meal Prep: 
Planning our Meals in Advance helps us to make Healthier Choices Up Front and helps us Avoid Impulsive Eating.

Preparing our Meals Ahead of Time, gives us Less Time to Think about Eating something UnHealthy while Keeping us on the Healthy Track! 

🔺Restaurant Menus:
Researching the Menu of a Restaurant we want to Dine at, and Picking out our Healthy Options Ahead of Time, will help us Avoid Ordering Foods Emotionally and Socially, that may not be 'our' Best Choices!

Consuming a Healthy Smoothie, Snack, or GREEN Drink before heading out to Eat, Grocery Shop or going to a Party where Buffett-Style or Pot Luck is available will Stop us from Over-Eating because we are Hungry.

A Few more Strategies

Staying Hydrated helps reduce our Hunger, which can help us Stop Snacking and Over-Eating.

Eating Regularly and at the Same Time helps our Body to know when FUEL is coming and will adjust accordingly.

Being Kind to Ourselves helps us Break the Emotional Over-Eating Cycle. 

We can Learn from our Experiences, Acknowledge what we did, and Move Forward with a Positive MINDset. 

When we Implement these Strategies, we can Control ourselves and the amount of Food we Consume.


Overcoming Over-Eating involves being Aware of our MINDset - What we are THINKing at the Time we feel the Urge to Over-Eat.   

By doing this, we can Re-Direct our THOUGHTS to more Positive and Productive THOUGHTS, which helps us Create Positive FEELings and EMOTIONS.

This Self-Awareness helps us SHIFT into Healthy THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS and therefore, Healthy FOOD CHOICES.

Addressing our Triggers, Recognizing them, and Acknowledging them, allows us the Freedom to CHOOSE Strategies to STOP us from Over-Eating.

Is this Easy?    Not.  At.  All.

It requires MENTAL WORK. 

Being in Tune with What we are THINKing and FEELing.

The Trick is . . .

If we have UnHealthy THOUGHTS, WE CAN SHIFT our THOUGHTS to More Positive Thoughts.

If we have UnHealthy EMOTIONS, WE CAN SHIFT our THOUGHTS to More Positive Thoughts.

Our MIND and our BODY gives us Cues:


And once we Change our Thoughts, our Emotions and Feelings will Follow suit.

It's impossible to FEEL Stressed-Out and Think Happy Thoughts.

Just like it's impossible to Think Confident Thoughts and Feel Sad.



VeRAWonica offers One-on-One Coaching and, Coaching in a Group Environment for those that need some Extra Help with STOPPING their Over-Eating. 

Reach out for a FREE 10 minute Consultation Call to see if we are a Fit.  

All Coaching is Confidential and Considered a Safe Space without Judgement.


"GREEN is the New Black"

This is another Strategy to Help with Over-Eating.  

Having a GREEN Drink Daily Curbs CRAVINGS (Grab your FREE CRAVINGS Chart).  

The HIGH amount of Nutrients in a GREEN Drink FUELs our Bodies to Satiation and therefore, our Bodies do not give us Signals of Hunger that can Trigger us to Over-Eat.

The Energy we get from GREEN Drinks, helps us to Keep Active and that, UPlifts our Mood, and helps us Stay Away from Over-Eating and Consuming too many Calories.

What's inside
"GREEN is the New Black"?

"GREEN is the New Black" is packed with Valuable information and Practical Tips that you can Easily incorporate into your Daily Routine. Here’s an overview of the content you can expect:

Caffeine the Hidden Culprit:
What Caffeine does and how it works in our Bodies.  From the First Sip to our Last, how FAKE Energy is Created and How we become Addicted to this Drug.

Caffeine Myths:
How the Hype deceives us, and the Misconceptions of Marketing Fool us into a False sense of Health.

What Caffeine Does:
Not only does Caffeine create Physical Reactions such as The Jitters, Insomnia, Headaches etc., it also affects us Emotionally by often escalating our Anxiety.

Natural Energy Boosters:
Physical Activity and Sleep are RAWmazing Energy Boosters. Having a RAW Plant Based GREEN Drink creates Instant Energy - Naturally.

Benefits of Bitter:
Learn how everyday 'weeds' are the Most Powerful Plants on our Planet and why these Bitter Plants are Better for us.

Cravings Control:
Having a GREEN Drink a Day can help us Reduce our Cravings - Learn how!

Benefits of GREEN Drinks:
The Physical and Emotional Differences are many - GLOWing Skin, Dropping Weight, Feeling Great, having more Energy, along with other ways how GREEN Drinks can Benefit us.

Best Methods to Optimize our GREENS and GREEN Drinks, including FORAGing for FREE FUEL (in VeRAWonica's picture above).

List of RAW Ingredients:
Bonus #1 - lists all of the Ingredients you will need to Make GREEN Drinks - in Categories.

Bonus #2 - are Rules of Thumb, along with Nine Different RAWcipes to Start with.  Use these Ingredients to Create your own GREEN Drink Combinations.

MINDset Mantras:
Bonus #3 - use these MINDset Mantras to Keep a Positive MINDset and Keep you Focused on your Health and Wellness. Provided are some Blanks to fill in your own MINDset Mantras!

FUEL List:
Bonus #4 - is your New FUEL List in Specific Healthy Categories, to keep you ON-TRACK in the Grocery Store, and Focused on what you Need to Buy and Not What you 'Want to' buy.  

Why "RAW" Plant Based
GREEN Drinks?

There are Unlimited Reasons why Drinking Daily RAW Plant Based GREEN Drinks is Healthy for us.  It FUELs us.  It's FUEL that is FUEL for our Bodies, our Cells, and our Organs! 

Uncooked, Organic, Plants FUEL our Cells to make ENERGY for our Bodies - to Function, Think, Move, Create, to Live.

Enhanced Skin Health:
The Vitamins, Minerals, and AntiOxidants in RAW Plant FUEL can Improve Skin Health, giving us a Natural, Healthy GLOW.

Acne, Pimples, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Eczema and Blotchiness can all be diminished if one's FUELstyle is changed to Fully RAW Plant Based.

​​Weight Management:
RAW Plant Based FUEL is Low in Calories and High in Fiber, helping us Feel Full and Satisfied without OverEating.  Drinking a GREEN Drink helps us Control our Cravings.

​​Increased Energy Levels:
With the Maximum Nutrients Created with GREEN Drinks, Higher Energy Levels becomes the Norm and Improved Vitality is Noticed almost Immediately.

Better Digestion:
RAW Plant Based FUEL contains Natural Enzymes that aid in Digestion, and helps Promote Nutrient Absorption. Better Digestion means Better and More Regular Bowel Movements.

Preservation of Nutrients:
Cooking our Food, can Destroy certain Vitamins and Enzymes. 

By Drinking our GREEN Drinks full of RAW Plant Based FUEL, the Vitamins and Enzymes stay intake so our Bodies can Retain more of these Essential Nutrients, which FUELs our Body to Create our Energy. 

The answer is simple: Having a Daily RAW, Organic Plant Based GREEN Drink offers a Host of Health and Wellness Benefits. 

Get Ready to start Transforming your LIFE with a Daily GREEN Drink!


Grab Your Copy Today!

"Green is the New Black"

⬇ $27.00 ⬇

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MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Change

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2 Ways to SHIFT your MINDset:

1. Do it yourself with FREE MINDset Mantras - below.

​2. Hire a MINDset SHIFTer and Get Coached - below that.

FREE MINDset Mantras

Keeping in a Positive MINDset is Work. Most of us were not taught How to Keep a Positive MINDset.

​​As a MINDset Shifter, I help Guide people to Shift their MINDset towards Positive, Productive and Powerful Thoughts. This can be achieved on our own with the aid of MINDset Mantras, which can be downloaded for free below.

MINDset SHIFTing can be accomplished Faster with one-on-one Coaching.

Having a MINDset Shifter as our Personal Coach can expedite our end Results, whatever we want them to be.

We can Live a Happier and more Joyous Life filled with Peace of Mind by going to MINDset School which is a priceless investment in ourselves.

We can Learn How to Think, and How to Create the Lives we want to live, just by Thinking certain Thoughts.

This concept is that easy! The hard part is doing the work.

Let's take being Fit as an example. We must do Physical Activity on a Consistent Basis and put in the necessary work in order to get the Results we want.

However, we must know what we are doing. And if we want to get to our Optimum Shape correctly, we hire a Personal Trainer or Coach, to show us the proper way how to do our Workout so we can attain our Goal more Efficiently.

In order to Create the Lives we want, we must Exercise our MIND regularly by Monitoring, Creating, Directing and Controlling the Thoughts we want to Think.

This is attained in an Efficient and Effective manner by hiring a MINDset Shifter to Coach us to SHIFT our MINDset properly.

Living a Life guided by Positivity, Purpose and Possibility is Rewarding Beyond Measure.

MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Changer

Hi, I'm VeRAWonica

I'm a GAME Changer
MINDset Mentor,
FUELstyle Queen,
LIFEstyle Coach, and
RAW Plant Based Expert. 

I've created these Blogs to help you Learn more about how MINDset and FUEL can influence your LIFEstyle and your Health. 

Developing a Positive, Productive and Powerful MINDset along with Consuming a mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle, helps you Create your RAWmazing Health, Wellness and the LIFEstyle you want.

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