
The Strangest Secret

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Blog/MINDset/The Strangest Secret
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we BECOME what we THINK about

Have you Ever Wondered WHY some people seem to have Everything they Want, while others Struggle to Get Ahead?

Getting Stuck in Destructive Mental Thoughts is not Fun. 

In this Blog, we Break-it-Down so you can Break-Free of your Negative Habits.

The🔑KEY to UNLOCKING your Full Potential for Success is Pretty Simple!

Read on, because we are Sharing a Concept that's been around for Decades, and Today, still remains a POWERful Secret to Success!

​It comes from a man named Earl Nightingale, who discovered what he called "The Strangest Secret".

Who is Earl Nightingale?

Earl Nightingale was a Popular Radio Broadcaster, Author and Speaker who spent his life studying Success and Personal Development. 

He wanted to Figure Out Why some people Achieved Great Success, while others Failed, even when they started from the Same Place!

​In 1956, he Recorded a Motivational Message called "The Strangest Secret."

It went on to become one of the Best-Selling Personal Development Recordings of ALL TIME, and was the First Spoken-Word Message to win a GOLD Record!

The Recording has Influenced Millions of People to Overcome Destructive Habits, and to Reach their Full Potential, no matter where they were in their lives. 

Earl the Pearl, as many refer to him, has helped People THINK, to Create their Success, Improve their MINDset, and Enhance their Personal Growth and Development and therefore, Improve all areas of their Lives.

You too can be amongst the THINKers that Became What They Thought About!

The Strangest Secret: We Become What We Think About

The Strangest Secret is, that we BECOME what we THINK about.

That’s right.

The Thoughts we allow into our MINDs, have a Direct impact on the Results we get in Life.

Earl Nightingale said, “You are what you think about all day long".

If we fill our MIND with Negative Thoughts, Doubt and Fear, we're going to see those things show up in our Lives.

If we however, THINK about Success, Happiness and Growth, we'll Naturally begin to Move into that Direction!

For Example:

If we have Thoughts like:  “I’m never going to be successful,” then our Actions will follow that Belief.   And because of those Thoughts, we may Procrastinate, Avoid Taking Risks, or Quit before we even Start!

If we have Thoughts like:  “I can achieve great things", this will cause us to Feel More Confident, so we take Positive Actions, and Continue to Push ourselves Forward, even when things get tough! 

Why Our Thoughts Matter

Think about it this way:   Our MIND is like a Garden, and we get to CHOOSE whether to Plant Weeds, or Seeds! 

If we Plant Weeds (Negative Thoughts), they will take over and Overwhelm us.

If we instead Plant Seeds (Positive Thoughts), Flowers will start to Grow and Bloom Beautifully!  

For example:

If we have a Habit of Over-Eating when we're Stressed, we may keep telling ourselves “I’ll never be able to control this habit".

When we say these things to ourselves, we are more likely to Stay Stuck in this Destructive Cycle.

However, if we say things to ourselves like “I can manage my stress in healthier ways", we Open the Door to New Behaviours and Opportunities for our Growth! 

WE have the CHOICE to CHOOSE our Thoughts!

How to Eliminate Destructive Habits

The🔑KEY to getting rid of Destructive Thoughts which cause Destructive Habits that hold us back, is Understanding the Power of our Thoughts! 

And The🔑KEY is, to Replace Destructive (Negative) Thoughts with EmPOWERing (Positive) Thoughts in order to Create Positive Habits. 

Here's How To Do this:

💥 1. Recognize the Habit

The First Step is to RECOGNIZE the HABIT we Want To Change!

Whether it's Procrastination (Read More in our Blog), Over Eating (Read More in our Blog) or, Negative Self-Talk (Read More in our Blog), we can start to Fix our Way of Thinking, by Acknowledging our Thoughts in order to Re-Direct, Change or Replace our Thoughts.

A Great way to Start to do this, is to Write it down our Bad Habits, or say it out loud: “I have a habit of [insert habit]".

By doing this, we are becoming Aware and Awareness is the starting point for Change.

💥 2. Change Thinking

This is where The Strangest Secret comes in.

Once we’ve identified our Habit, we then must ask ourselves, what kind of Thoughts are we Feeding this Behavior?

Are we thinking things like, “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll never succeed”?

If so, It’s time to FLIP the SCRIPT!

For example:  Instead of thinking, “I’m so lazy,” FLIP it Around to: “I can take small steps every day to improve".   

Even though we may not Believe it 100% right away, the more we Think Positive Thoughts, the More they WILL BECOME OUR REALITY! 

💥 3. Take Small, Consistent Actions

Changing Habits isn’t about making One Giant Leap!  It's about taking Small, Consistent Steps Every Day!

As an Example:  If our Goal is to Stop Procrastinating, start small, like working for 10 Minutes on 'that' Project we've been Putting Off. 

It doesn't have to be an 'All or Nothing' situation!   

When we start small, we Build Momentum, and over time, our small Victory Goals (Actions) will add up to BIG Results! 

🔶4. Visualize Success

One of the most POWERful Tools Earl Nightingale talked about was Visualization.

He Believed that "if you can see yourself achieving your goals, your mind will start working towards making that vision a reality".

Take a few minutes Every Day, sit quietly with closed Eyes, and just Imagine Living the Life you Want!

See ourselves Breaking our Old Habits and Creating New Productive, POWERful and Positive Habits, Succeeding in our Career, Enjoying Better Health, Being in a Loving and Kind Relationship etc. 

The More Vividly we can Imagine it, the More Motivated we Feel to Take Action!  

Unlocking Our Full Potential

If we Spend our Days Focusing on Growth, Success and Positivity, we Will begin to see these things Show Up in our Life.

Our Energy SHIFTs and so will our Results!   Energy is drawn to the Same Energy!

By following Earl Nightingale’s Strangest Secret, WE CAN UNLOCK OUR FULL POTENTIAL!

We WILL start Living the Life we've always Dreamed about. 

what we ALLOW into our MINDS,

Take The Challenge . . .

So, here’s the Challenge:

Get a Notebook or Journal and Draw a Line Down the Middle of it, one Side Titled Old Thoughts and the other side Titled NEW THOUGHTS!

Start Paying Attention to YOUR THOUGHTS.

Notice when you're THINKing Negatively or Feeding Destructive Habits and write down what you are THINKing under the Old Thoughts Column. 

Then, make a Conscious Effort to Replace those Thoughts with Positive, EMPOWERing ones instead and write down your NEW THOUGHT beside your Old Thought in the other side of the Column.

Keep Practicing and writing down your Old and New Thoughts.

You are Creating a NEW THOUGHT Playbook that you can Reference and Repeat!

You will begin to See Real Changes in your Life by Continually doing this Strategy.

Just Keep GUARD at your MIND's Garden Door!

The Sky is NOT the Limit!

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When you Subscribe to our weekly
RAW News,
written by Earl Nightingale
for our RAWmazing Subscribers.


Grab your FREE MINDset Mantras 

Download our FREE MINDset Mantras to Maintain Positive Thoughts.

And if you’re looking for Personalized Guidance, VeRAWonica offers
One-on-One and Group Coaching
to help you Master your MINDset and Achieve your Dreams!

Don’t let your Destructive Mental Thoughts hold you back any longer!

Embrace your Potential and Start Living a RAWlicious LIFEstyle today!

2 Ways to SHIFT your MINDset:

⭐#1. Do it yourself with


🚀#2. Do it with a


Click the link below to Start Your Transformation,

CLICK BELOW and Invest in YOU!


MINDset, FUELstyle, WELLness, HABITS, LIFEstyle
​👇🏼with this 5-Week Course👇🏼

SuperCharge Your BRAIN 
with SuperFUEL​


The 90 Day Ultimate LIFEstyle Transformation Kit (UTL)
comes in 3 different variations:

1.   ULT + PERFORMANCE For Rapid Recovery, Repairing Muscles, Building Lean Muscle Mass, Enhancing Fitness and Performance. For the Physically Active and Athlete in you.

2.   ULT + IMMUNE For a More Balanced Mood, Better Digestion, and Deeper Sleep.
For Anyone Struggling to Build a Stronger Immune Function.

3.   ULT + COLLAGEN For Glowing Skin, Youthfulness and Experiencing a Beauty Transformation from the Inside Out.
For Anyone wanting to Look their Best.

This is a 90 Day Transformation Kit.
That means you Consume this FUEL as Food EVERY DAY for 90 Days.
It is delivered to your Door Every Month for 3 Months.


🔺You Receive a FREE TRACKER to help you See it, Feel it and Track it.

🔺You Receive a FREE FUEL GUIDE so you can read more about each Product and Ingredient.

🔺You Receive a FREE BLENDER 

Start Today. If you can't make a Decision - Read our Blog on DECISION.

Contact Us below and Get your First Order with 

$50.00 OFF


Have a RAWmazing Day!

MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = Change Your Change

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When you Subscribe to our weekly RAW News, you get information that is Exclusive for our RAW Followers.

2 Ways to SHIFT your MINDset:

1. Do it yourself with FREE MINDset Mantras - below.

​2. Hire a MINDset SHIFTer and Get Coached - below that.

FREE MINDset Mantras

Keeping in a Positive MINDset is Work. Most of us were not taught How to Keep a Positive MINDset.

​​As a MINDset Shifter, I help Guide people to Shift their MINDset towards Positive, Productive and Powerful Thoughts. This can be achieved on our own with the aid of MINDset Mantras, which can be downloaded for free below.

MINDset SHIFTing can be accomplished Faster with one-on-one Coaching.

Having a MINDset Shifter as our Personal Coach can expedite our end Results, whatever we want them to be.

We can Live a Happier and more Joyous Life filled with Peace of Mind by going to MINDset School which is a priceless investment in ourselves.

We can Learn How to Think, and How to Create the Lives we want to live, just by Thinking certain Thoughts.

This concept is that easy! The hard part is doing the work.

Let's take being Fit as an example. We must do Physical Activity on a Consistent Basis and put in the necessary work in order to get the Results we want.

However, we must know what we are doing. And if we want to get to our Optimum Shape correctly, we hire a Personal Trainer or Coach, to show us the proper way how to do our Workout so we can attain our Goal more Efficiently.

In order to Create the Lives we want, we must Exercise our MIND regularly by Monitoring, Creating, Directing and Controlling the Thoughts we want to Think.

This is attained in an Efficient and Effective manner by hiring a MINDset Shifter to Coach us to SHIFT our MINDset properly.

Living a Life guided by Positivity, Purpose and Possibility is Rewarding Beyond Measure.

MINDset + FUELstyle + LIFEstyle = GAME Changer

Hi, I'm VeRAWonica

I'm a GAME Changer
MINDset Mentor,
FUELstyle Queen,
LIFEstyle Coach, and
RAW Plant Based Expert. 

I've created these Blogs to help you Learn more about how MINDset and FUEL can influence your LIFEstyle and your Health. 

Developing a Positive, Productive and Powerful MINDset along with Consuming a mostly
RAW Plant Based FUELstyle, helps you Create your RAWmazing Health, Wellness and the LIFEstyle you want.

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RAW News



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